Sai Kang Warrior for HQ AMS!
Hurray! My Name is Rec Jonathan Ang, A.K.A Sai Kang Warrior For HQ AMS!
Asking to shred paper, collect paper from printer. Today was absurb, clear the 2 fountains. Those were like a megaton , surrounded by graphite slabs which are so freaking back which was already hurt got hurt again. And I accidentally let one down on my middle finger because it was too near the wall to grab hold of properly.
Had my usual headache/migraine pangs all day again. I wonder if i've brain tumour or something..hah!. But if i die, who actually cares?
Hai.. I can't find inspiration to write today. I've had enough of ranting for once. Anyway, no quotes today..lazy to read. how about something from the horse's mouth instead? Bwahaha
"In retrospect, everything I have done up till now will seem meaningless and fleeting when compared to something which would last for eternity. As all men are appointed to die, therefore shouldn't we plan for our lives in eternity?"
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4:54 PM