Wednesday, February 09, 2005
[ asdfasdf ]
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9:56 PM
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
[ Valentino ]
The moment of red frenzy and sweet browns (referring to roses and chocolates). How many out there are dateless or single like me? Come let us commemorate these day to the ones we love but cannot date. Some1 in the office mentioned that it was pretty easy to get dates, they are all around.( red dates, days of the calender etc.)
While I was almost lost in the thoughts of finding a date, I suddenly recalled that I desired love more than anything else on Earth. I could give up my dreams, my ideals, my lifestyle. Everything, even my life. It's true. I could do it for YOU.
Then i remembered. That sounds familiar. Hey. Was it not God who did the same thing?(no..something i can't compare on equal terms). Out of selfless, unconditional love Jesus died on the Cross for us. To Jesus! (boxes of chocolates and roses too). Of course we all know Jesus don't want chocolates and roses. He wants us! And us to be fishers of man, to be the light of the world.
It is this same love which tears my heart apart. Imagine someone whom you've loved dearly continually hurting you. That is me. But it is the same love I desire..that 'thing that fills emptiness'. Having to love and be loved are human nature, hardwired into us by God. God is Love. It's hard to explain..
Critics (and there are many of them), tend to refute Christianity and the Bible, saying it is written by man and therefore falsified. What they don't know, is that the original Bible(KJV 1611) based on the Hebrew scripts, were found to have codes in it. (IE, Genesis code which employed equidistant letter coding, of many events and famous leaders - way after the Bible was written) For your info, the Bible was not written chronologically written (in order of the books in the Bible), nor was it all written in a single period of time. Thus, the prophesies in the Bible are self-fulfilled, with much evidences. I don't understand, why with so much historical, documented, factual evidences, one could still refuse to believe in Christ. Does one have to see to believe? It might be too late. I've always thought it was unfair for people to die without even having a chance to even hear about God, unreached tribal people for example. So there are many damned people in the world, without any glimpse of hope(just my 2cents).. Anyway - check out my link section for more info.
I guess I have to stop before it gets draggy. Anyway, my friends, please don't undermine our Testimony and Witnessing to Christ. It is important to him, It is even mentioned in the Great Commission - "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen" (Matt 28;19,20) Yay, one day I can say these things without guilt, but even so, I must do my part.
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4:54 PM
[ Sai Kang Warrior! Bwahahaha ]
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4:54 PM